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Teacher - mentor, educator, friend

Work related to teaching has always been considered one of the most difficult and at the same time honorable occupations. Everyone knows the names of outstanding teachers and educators. Teacher is not just a profession, it is a mission. Therefore, the demand from teachers is special.

Moreover, a lot of people - famous thinkers, writers, philosophers, musicians - had one way or another related to teaching. They organized their schools, and their students and followers developed and supplemented the ideas of their mentors. Lots of people want to work as a teacher and if you wanna work as a teacher, you should apply with a perfect resume, use for this purpose Best Finance Resume Writing Services.

Nowadays, those who want to make good money and still not get tired at work are unlikely to choose the path of a school teacher. Pedagogy is the lot of enthusiasts who since childhood saw themselves as a mentor, dreamed of "sowing the rational, good, eternal", to form a new generation. Many things are required of teachers: to be correct, to be attentive to children, to show interest in their work, subject. The teacher should be able to answer any question raised by his pupil - does that apply to the discipline taught or relates to the formation of a children's worldview.

Working conditions
Distinctive features of a real teacher should be the constant self-development and expansion of their own horizons, the improvement of working methods. Modern life is constantly changing, children now have new interests, hobbies, ideals. To gain the trust and disposition of students, it is not necessary to share their views, but you need to know about them. A good teacher should be extremely sensitive to children, be attentive to what they like. It must be borne in mind that all of the above can greatly affect the intellectual and emotional development of the child.

Teachers constantly have to communicate not only with schoolchildren, but also with their parents, grandparents. These are people belonging to different social spheres, and with each of them it is necessary to find a common language, pick a key for them, win a position so that the teacher’s words are important for them and they follow his recommendations. Much depends on this understanding. If parents are distrustful of the teacher, how can he competently build a relationship with the child?

Teachers often have to deal with children from difficult families. Needless to say, most people are imperfect, and everything happens in families. If the child does not receive support and understanding at home, he should find all this with the teacher.

Sometimes it happens that families raise children incorrectly, for example, they form a dismissive or openly negative attitude towards learning. This position is understandable. In the 90s of the last century, far from the most educated stratum of the population significantly enriched. And often parents - who are joking, and who are serious - express their opinion with schoolchildren that, they say, education does not help to succeed in life at all. Children remember such reasonings, bring them to school. That's when one of the most difficult problems arises before the teacher: how to help a child put the right emphasis without offending his parents, without dropping their authority in the eyes of his son or daughter? In this situation, the teacher must delicately explain his position to the child.

Nowadays, it is especially difficult for teachers. Not only the training programs, that is, the content of the subject, but also the style itself, the way of teaching are changing. New techniques are constantly appearing, and you need to keep track of all this, to understand everything. Not all teachers like to attend continuing education courses, seminars and the like, although such training gives them a lot, because it is not only about getting information, but also about exchanging experience between colleagues. Such meetings and direct communication are necessary so that specialists do not “stagnate”, are not used to using the techniques of their own teaching staff only, and seek new ways and solutions to pedagogical problems.

In addition to conducting lessons, it is the responsibility of teachers to draw up plans, fill out journals, write reports, etc. Since training programs change regularly, every year everything has to be updated, rewritten again. But it is impossible to do without it, and the point here is not only in the formal requirement of the administration. Planning helps to avoid overlaps, discrepancies in programs in related disciplines, for example, in mathematics and physics, when knowledge of another is required to explain material in one subject.

Teacher's help in choosing a future profession
Most people choose a future profession during their studies at school, and their decision is often influenced not only by their abilities, but also by their attitude to the personality of the teacher, who first opened the door for them in a particular branch of knowledge. A person who has decided to become a teacher must be prepared for the fact that he will have to overcome many difficulties and, despite this, move forward.

A good teacher, having noticed a student’s mistake, criticizes himself first of all.

The difficulties of teaching life are known to everyone: stress, stress, difficult relationships in the school team, paperwork, tremendous responsibility, often lazy and ungrateful students.

In pedagogical activity there are also joys, for example, to see how a person is growing up before his eyes, how interest in knowledge is awakened in him, how he comes to you with confidence and love for advice. It all depends on the point of view of the specialist himself, his attitude to the work, the desire to put his soul into it.

The career ladder of a teacher has not so many steps: a methodologist, head teacher, director. Moreover, holding any of these posts, you can combine work with teaching. Methodists and head teachers often “grow out” of ordinary teachers. But they do not win so much in salaries compared to them. Subject teachers usually form methodological associations by profile, the most experienced and respected become chairmen of methodological associations. Developed in schools and union activity.

Most subject teachers have another load - classroom instruction. For some, this is an additional cross, for others - the need to fill out a journal (in other words, extra pieces of paper), but there are those who begin to consider "their" class as their own family. Growing up, students visit teachers, are increasingly convinced of their correctness, understand how much important and necessary they put into their children's heads. For real teachers, a sense of ownership in the formation of a person is much more important than salary.

Those who want to work as teachers, while receiving decent pay, try to get to private schools: they pay several times more money there than in state educational institutions, and the load seems to be less. But here, not everything is simple: in the private sector there is a much higher turnover of staff than in many public schools. Why do not teachers sit in warm places?

In a private school, everything is different: the relationship in the team, and especially communication with the administration, and the position of the teacher in relation to children and parents. Without strict government control over them, such institutions can saturate the program with certain subjects to the detriment of some others. The concept of “what I want, I’m rolling” is not to the taste of conservative teachers, so they prefer to return under the wing of the state education: there is little money, but the soul is calm. But there are "private traders" who try to adhere to state standards, and some teachers feel comfortable in such a system. In addition, a lot depends on the situation and the personal relationship of the teacher and director.

The amount of payment in public schools is affected by the number of hours, that is, the lessons that the teacher spends, as well as his grade or qualification category, the presence of an additional load (classroom manual, methodological work, etc.). In some categories of schools or classes, there are salary increases. Some of the teachers earn extra money in private lessons.

Of course, the teaching profession is very difficult, but one of the most necessary. All of us were largely formed by the school, and first of all, our teachers. It is difficult to overestimate the merits of a talented teacher who opens the door to the world of knowledge for the child, affects the formation of his life priorities, lays the foundation for his future, and therefore, the future of civilization.


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